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lieutenant colonel 陸軍中校。

lieutenant commander

And so this will be the philosophy that i will take into our discussions , and i know that president bush will take into the discussions with the vice premier tomorrow . on a personal note , i look forward to my discussions with the vice premier to build on what i have learned about china over the 30 years since i first visited as a young lieutenant colonel infantry officer back in 1972 從個人方面講,我期待著同副總理的會談將增加30年來我對中國的了解。 1972年我第一次訪問中國時還是一個年輕的步兵中校軍官。現在, 30年過去了,我成了國務卿,我看到的已經發生的變化是30年前做夢也想不到的。

We are grateful for the assistance from lieutenant colonel meza choto , executive officer of copeco , and many others , especially lieutenant castro cruz , who accompanied us throughout our trip , arranging transportation for the supplies and taking responsibility for our safety 感謝copeco執行主任meza choto中校及其他許多人的協助,尤其castro cruz中尉受派執行任務,全程陪伴我們,幫我們安排賑濟物品的運輸及負責照顧我們的安全。

On october 15 , shenzhou - 5 spacecraft was successfully launched and returned to ground safely on the next day , making china the third nation in the world to send a man into space . lieutenant colonel yang liwei became the first chinese astronaut in the outer space 10月15日,我國首位航天員楊利偉乘“神舟“五號飛船成功升空,繞地球飛行14圈后于16日安全著陸,我國首次載人航天飛行獲得圓滿成功。

Set in the philippines in 1945 , the great raid tells the true story of the 6th ranger battalion , under the command of lieutenant colonel henry mucci ( benjamin bratt ) who undertake a daring rescue mission against all odds 根據同名暢銷小說改編的電影,重現了二戰結束前夕著名的“巴坦死亡行軍” ,片中鼓舞尚武之氣、友情、戰爭暴力場面樣樣不少。

“ it ' s part of army tradition that theoutgoing chief visits the troops and thanks them for their services before relinquishing his command , “ military spokesman lieutenant colonel baseer haider said 巴基斯坦軍隊發言人科洛尼爾?巴希爾?海迪中校說: “按照軍中傳統,即將離任的軍隊總司令在卸任之前要向軍隊道別,并向他們表示感謝。 ”

Indian wars : battle of washita river - united states army lieutenant colonel george armstrong custer leads an attack on cheyenne living on reservation land 1868年,印第安戰爭:沃希托河之戰- -美國陸軍上尉團長喬治?阿姆斯特朗?卡斯特發起了向居住在保留地上的夏安族人的進攻。

The military ' s fraternization policies prohibit from marrying local civilians , military spokeswoman lieutenant colonel josslyn aberle told the newspaper . to carry off by force ; kidnap 他說,當時家里的很多女子都在尖叫,懇求武裝分子不要將泰伊帶走。

The four man uk team will consist of a colonel , a lieutenant colonel , a captain and a warrant officer and will deploy for five days in early july 由一名上校、一名中校、一名上尉和一名準尉組成的英國四人專家組將于七月初被派遣執行五天培訓工作。

The military ' s fraternization policies prohibit active duty personnel from marrying local civilians , military spokeswoman lieutenant colonel josslyn aberle told the newspaper 他說,當時家里的很多女子都在尖叫,懇求武裝分子不要將泰伊帶走。

The military s fraternization policies prohibit active duty personnel from marrying local civilians , military spokeswoman lieutenant colonel josslyn aberle told the newspaper 他說,當時家里的很多女子都在尖叫,懇求武裝分子不要將泰伊帶走。

We ' re an auxiliary squadron , you know , so his highness the lieutenant colonel will just come down from the mainland and take over . that ' s all 我們是替補中隊,你知道的,所以,陸軍中校大人會從本土下到我們這里來掌管一切。就是這樣了。

In 1991 , the body of lieutenant colonel william r . higgins , an american hostage murdered by his captors , was found dumped along a highway in lebanon 1991年,在黎巴嫩一高速公路邊發現一具被綁架者撕票的美國人質威廉r .希金斯的尸體。

The 38 year - old lieutenant colonel yang liwei became as instant national hero today as china successfully launched its first manned space flight 38歲的陸軍中校楊利偉,在今天順利發射中國首度載人太空船后,一瞬間變成全國英雄。

The military ' s fraternization policies prohibit from marrying local civilians , military spokeswoman lieutenant colonel josslyn aberle told the newspaper 他說,當時家里的很多女子都在尖叫,懇求武裝分子不要將泰伊帶走。

I first visited china as a young army lieutenant colonel during the beginning , during this early hopeful time in our relationship 我第一次訪問中國時是一名年輕的陸軍中校,當時我們的關系正處于富有希望的初始階段。

Junior specialized technical officers : specialized technical reserve lieutenant colonel , major , captain , lieutenant or second lieutenant 初級專業技術職務:預備役專業技術中校、少校、上尉、中尉、少尉。

Lieutenant colonel mcsally commands twenty - seven aircraft and more than sixty crew members (第二句)薩利中校指揮27架飛機和六十多位乘務員。

Lieutenant colonel steven lee jordan ran the interrogation center at the iraqi prison 他曾在伊拉克監獄中主審,也是唯一一位被控美國軍官。

Lieutenant colonel steven lee jordan ran the interrogation center at the iraqi prison 陸軍中校斯蒂文.李.喬丹負責伊拉克監獄的審訊中心。